Preliminary Engineering Survey
- Conduct Engineering Survey of the site to fix the take off points and alignment of the proposed railway line into the plant from the nearest and most suitable track point
- Study of different alternatives taking into consideration the topography of the area and availability of land
- Taking longitudinal levels to assess the grades over the proposed alignment and to work out the approximate quantities of the earthwork required
- Site survey to take into account provision of bridges, culverts and crossings on the lead line alignment from take off point to plant boundary
- Indicate the extent of land required for providing the railway siding
- Preparation of General Arrangement Conceptual Drawing in accordance with Indian Railways Code of practice
- Discussion with Railways about the feasibility of the proposal
- Submission of Feasibility Report and Obtaining in-principle approval of the concerned Railways
Detailed Engineering & Final Location Survey
- Fixing of the new alignment by total station instrument survey as detailed in Indian Railway Engineering Code. The field work consists of a detailed examination of the alignment by compass and theodalite traverse
- Taking detailed longitudinal and transverse levels along the alignment, wherever modifications to be carried
- Detailed engineering, design and drawings of proposed take off point, siding portion and other structures
- Preparation of general arrangement drawings in accordance with Indian Railways Code of practice
- Fixing alignment and laying of curves on ground
- Identify the land corridor required
- Assessment of extent of signaling required which will include all additions / alterations to existing arrangement in the Railway yard. Design the signaling scheme, along with OHE arrangement, if any
Preparation of Engineering Scale plans and sections for the project (as per Indian Railway Code)
- Index Map & Index section and plan
- Detailed plans, sections & Working drawings e. GAD plans for bridges
- Plan for junction arrangements & Detailed drawings of structures if any
- Signaling plans, as well as OHE designs / plans, if any
- Preparation of Detailed Project Report including Detailed Estimate
Obtain Approval of the Detailed Project Report from Divisional Offices and Head Offices of Concerned Railway from the following departments:
Operations |
Commercial |
Mechanical |
Electrical (General) |
Electrical (TRD) |
S & T |
Civil Engineering |